domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Cold War Map

Joseph Stalin

*Born December 18th, 1878 in Gori, Georgia
*He studied at a theological seminary where he read Marx
*In 1922, he was made the general secretary of the Communist Party.
*In 1930, he purged the party of the “enemies of people”, resulting the execution and exile of many people.
*In the WWII, he joined Roosevelt and Churchill as his Allies and defeated Germany.
*After the WWII, The Soviet Union entered to the nuclear weapons age and ruled most of Eastern Union.
*He died because of a stroke in March 5th, 1953.

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Berlin History

*In 1946, the demarcation line between West Germany and East Germany is safeguarded.
*1948, Berlin is divided in two different currency zones.
*1949, Federal Republic of Germany is founded and German Democratic Republic is also founded.
*1953, Uprising of East Berlin building workers against the imposition of increased working norms, suppression by Red Army tanks.
*1961, The Berlin sectorial border between East and West is closed.
*1963, President John F. Kennedy visits Berlin.
*1987, President Ronald Reagan urges the Soviet leader to tear down the Berlin Wall.
*1989, Berlin Wall is Opened.
*1990, Germany is reunited.

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Mao Tse Tung

*Born December 26th, 1893 in Shao-shan, Hunan province.
*He served briefly the army
*In 1919, He engaged political activity.
*He became a founding member of the Chinese Communist Party
*In early 1950´s, he served as a chairman of the Communist Party, chief of state and chairman of the military commission.
*He died on September 6, 1976 in Pekin
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Kim Il Sung/Koren War

*Began in 1950 and ended in 1959
*Began when the North Korean troops invaded South Korea
*The grittiness exhibited in Chosin by the 1st Marine Division surrounded by a vast Chinese force.
*Hill fighting during the last years of the conflict.
*The two Koreas were separated.

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Kim Il Sung

*Born in North Korea, April 5th 1912
*In 1929, He was jailed for political activism
*He was set free and joined the Korean Independence Army
*In 1937, he defeated the Chinese police
*In 1940, he scored his biggest victory at Daiamlugou
*1941, The Soviet detained Kim Il Sung and his band of guerrillas and were forced into the Red Army.
*1945, He and his wife returned to Korea
*He died in 1994.

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*In 1950, Arbenz was elected president of Guatemala.
*The first CIA effort to overthrow the Guatemalan president which was a collaboration with Nicaraguan dictator Anastacio Somoza that supported the general Carlos Castillo Armas was approved by president Truman in 1952.
*CIA Headquarters began generating subject titles such as “Guatemalan Communist Personel to be disposed of during Military Operations”.
*PBSUCCESS carried a $2.7 million budget for psychological warfare and political action.
*Arbenz resigned on June 27, 1954 because of the CIA´s psychological war and they wanted to murder him but the CIA found the option unnecessary.*CIA installed Castillo Armas in power and hundreds of Guatemalans were rounded up and killed.

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Nikita Krushcev

*Born in 1894 in Kalinova.
*He joined the Communist Party and the Red Army and fought in the civil war.
*He became Premier of the Soviet Union in 1958
*He conceived the idea of placing nuclear missiles in Cuba to restore the balance of power in the Cold War. The Soviet military assured him that Americans wouldn´t discover the missiles, but the discovered them.
*Kennedy intended to invade Cuba. And Khrushchev made the U.S. make a pledge that they wouldn´t invade Cuba.
*His attempts to raise the farm production failed and the rate of the industrial groth slowed and in consequence he was removed from the power.
*He died in 1971.